Occupational Health and Safety Programme

The Occupational Health and Safety Programme of Vocational School of Technical Sciences at Uludağ University was set up with the aim of training qualified technicians in the light of the latest technology and knowledge for private and public sectors so that the risks of work accidents and occupational diseases likely to take place at workplaces could be minimized or eliminated.

As it happens in the World, Turkey’s manufacturing industry together with construction and energy sectors are undergoing rapid development and changes due to the factors such as rapidly increasing population, increasing demand for energy, advancements in industrial, medical and information technologies, rapid urbanization and housing. Today, the need for occupational health and safety technicians has increased greatly due to advancements in widely used manufacturing technologies together with establishment of new service areas in many different fields. With the entry into force of Occupational Health and Safety Law No.6331, it has become compulsory for both private and public sectors to employ personnel having received training on occupational health and safety(workplace safety experts, workplace doctors and so on), as a result of which the demand for the graduates of our programme has started to increase.

In today’s Turkey, there is a need for well trained and qualified occupational health and safety technicians so that both private and public enterprises can reach a higher level in terms of health and safety at workplaces. Graduates of this programme have a wide range of job opportunities. They can get jobs at Central Directorates of Occupational Health and Safety Services of the Ministry of Labour and Social Security as well as in private and public sectors. In addition, our students who graduate as technical members can get workplace safety expert certificate after successfully completing a training offered by an institution authorized by the Ministry of Labour and Social Security; therefore, our students, again, can get an opportunity to work in  employment areas which are compulsory in private or public sectors.

Our students graduate from the programme as well experienced and well equipped technicians with theoretical and practical knowledge since the education our programme provides is supported by up-to-date educational methods.

Our students graduate from Vocational School of Technical Sciences of Uludağ University as Occupational Health and Safety Technicians upon fulfilling the graduation requirements of the programme.



Members of the Teaching Staff

Lecturer Gizem Akalp, Head of The Programme (gizema@uludag.edu.tr)

Lecturer Uğur SAKLANGIÇ (ugursaklangic@uludag.edu.tr)

Lecturer Sevil Çırakoğlu (sevilcirakoglu@uludag.edu.tr)



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