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The Department of Special Education, which was opened in Uludağ University Faculty of Education years ago but could not receive students due to the lack of teaching staff, became active in the 2010-2011 academic year by admitting the first students to the Department of Education of Mentally Disabled Students. The department gave its first graduates in 2013-2014.

    In 2014, within the scope of the regulation made by the Board of Education and Discipline regarding the teaching fields, assignment and course teaching principles, graduates of the undergraduate programs of Teaching the Mentally Handicapped, Teaching the Hearing Impaired and Teaching the Visually Handicapped started to be appointed as “Special Education Teachers”, and accordingly, in 2015, it was decided by the Council of Higher Education to combine the undergraduate education given separately as Teaching the Mentally Handicapped, Hearing Impaired, Visually Handicapped and Gifted / Talented Teachers and to have a new and single undergraduate program under the name of “Special Education Teaching”. In the 2016-2017 academic year, the departments within the Special Education Department were merged under the name of Special Education Teaching.


     There are 1 Professor, 2 Assosiate Professor, 3 Assistant Professors, 2 Lecturer, and 1 Research Assistants in our department.




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