Mevlana (Abroad) Student Exchange Programme (Student)

What is Mevlana Exchange Programme?

Mevlana Exchange Programme is a programme that enables students and academic staff to be exchanged between higher education institutions in Turkey and higher education institutions abroad. Unlike other exchange programmes, mobility within the exchange programme covers higher education institutions worldwide without any geographical distinction. Within the Mevlana Exchange Programme scope, associate, bachelor's, master's, and doctoral students enrolled in formal education programmes in all higher education institutions in Turkey and abroad recognised by the Council of Higher Education can participate in the student exchange. Higher education institutions must have signed a Mevlana Exchange Programme Protocol for the exchange.

Students who want to participate in the exchange programme can benefit from the programme for at least one semester and at most two semesters of education, and academic staff can benefit from the programme for at least 1 week and at most 3 months to give lectures in higher education institutions around the world. Similarly, students and teaching staff from all regions of the world can come to higher education institutions in Türkiye.


Application Requirements for the Mevlana Exchange Programme

The basic conditions for being a Mevlana Exchange Programme student can be grouped under several headings:

- The student must be an associate, undergraduate, graduate or doctoral student enrolled in higher education programmes where formal education is provided,

- Master's and doctoral students must have a GPA of at least 3 (three) out of 4 (four).

- Applications are evaluated after 50% language score + 50% Grade Point Average is taken. 

Students studying in the preparatory and first year of associate degree and undergraduate programmes, as well as master's and doctoral students in the preparatory and scientific preparation periods, cannot benefit from this programme for the first semester they start their main education.


Application Process

Students who want to go abroad with the Mevlana Exchange Programme can apply to the Mevlana Exchange Programme institution coordination office of our university by filling out the necessary forms completely.


Universities with which our university has an agreement 

The current lists are available in the Protocols heading of our University's Mevlana Exchange Programme Coordinatorship. Click here for information.

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