Uludağ Colloquia in Political Philosophy Introduction

The idea of ​​Uludağ Colloquia in Political Philosophy complements the series of two conference projects: "International Congress of Philosophy" (since 2010) and "Exclusive Citizenship" (since 2013). The projects have been implemented (separately or as part of a partnership – depending on the specific subject matter or topic of the conferences) by both cooperating institutions - the Institute of Philosophy of the University of Wrocław and the Department of Philosophy of Bursa Uludağ University. More specified research interests covering social, political, economic or anthropological and cultural thought are thus linked to the general nature of reflection, research and education in the field of historically and systematically practiced philosophical sub-disciplines, from logic and metaphysics to ethics and practical/applied philosophy. An additional factor inspiring this undertaking is an attempt to build a meeting platform, potentially with a more formal and official framework as well as institutional and organizational foundations in the future, for representatives of philosophical circles (both academic and non-academic) from countries located on the north-south "geographical axis" of contemporary Europe, supplementing (not necessarily replacing) the great (dominant?) structure and logic of the division of this continent (and the entire world in general) into "East" and "West". Such “location” and “orientation” make Uludağ Colloquia in Political Philosophy a kind of experiment focused on a Eurocentric vision of the world (along with its past, present and future) facing more and more serious theoretical and practical challenges. The main question asked here concerns the perspectives of creating and practicing a philosophy which is (should be?) by its nature comparative, "worldly" ex-centric (thus also methodologically open and multi- or transdisciplinary).

Lectures and meetings (seminars, workshops, discussion groups) as part of the Uludağ Colloquia in Political Philosophy will be organized three or four times a year. Guests from Turkey and Poland, as well as from other countries of the broadly understood Central and Eastern Europe, as well as from other centers around the world will be invited. Subjects and topics of meetings will be close to the general assumptions of this initiative as indicated above, as well as to more detailed issues and problem threads.

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