

Who Can Benefit From Mevlana Exchange Programme?

The students registered in formal education programmes in Associate Degree, B.A, M.A and PhD level at higher education institutions in Turkey (on condition that the higher education institutions signed a bilateral Mevlana Exchange Protocol) may benefit from Mevlana Exchange Programme.

Additionally, all academic staff who work in a national or foreign higher education institution, on condition that the higher education institutions signed a bilateral Mevlana Exchange Protocol, may benefit from Mevlana Exchange Programme. In the scope of mobility, academic activities of academic staff can not be less than total six hours weekly.

In hourly calculation of the activities performed by academic staff, courses are considered. If course hours do not complete six hours, academic activities like seminars, panels or conferences are evaluated in this context. Academic staff mobility plans which do not contain lectures shall not be considered within Mevlana Exchange Programme and accepted for the Exchange.

Application Requirements of Mevlana Exchange Programme

The requirements for being a Mevlana Exchange Programme Student are;

Other Main Aspects for Execution of the Programme

How should a student, who has the requirements, can apply to the Mevlana Exchange Programme?

The students may apply to the Mevlana Exchange Programme unit of his/her university after filling the required forms in properly.

All academic staff, working in higher education institutions with Mevlana Exchange Protocol, may also apply to Mevlana Exchange Programme coordination offices of their institutions.

How many times and how long can we participate in Mevlana Exchange Programme?

Students may study abroad for one (minimum) or two (maximum) semesters. Semester periods may be different considering the education systems but the total exchange period can not exceed one academic year.

Academic staffs also may participate in Mevlana Exchange Programme. Academic staff may lecture abroad from one week (minimum) to three months (maximum).

Do students have to pay any tuition fee when they participate in Mevlana Exchange Programme?

Students do not pay any tuition fees to the host institution during the programme, but they continue to pay the obligatory tuition fees to their home institutions. They do not pay any extra fee to the host institution within the scope of the exchange programme.

Do the students who participate in the programme repeat the courses/semesters taken at the host institution?

As the course(s) to be taken in the host institution are officially agreed to be counted in advance within the Learning Protocol, the students do not repeat any courses/semesters when they return.

Scholarships During the Mevlana Exchange Programme

Terms and conditions for students:

Mevlana Exchange Programme students continue to take their other scholarships and grants in their home countries and they have to do registration in their home institutions. They pay tuition fee to their home institution if they are supposed to and they do not pay any other tuition fee to the host institution.

The scholarship amount to be paid to the Mevlana Exchange students differs according to the life standards of the country of the host institution. Within the context of Mevlana Exchange Programme, the programme students can be paid up to three times of the amount that is monthly paid to bachelor degree students according to the Law no.5102 on Granting Scholarship and Loan to the Higher Education Students and in the ratios determined by Council of Higher Education Executive Board.

Incoming students from other countries to Turkish higher education institutions are granted according to the ratios determined by Council of Higher Education Executive Board.

In terms of the scholarships that will be paid to the students, 70% of the scholarship amount is paid monthly. For the student’s remaining grant payment, the ratio of total credits of the succeeded courses to the courses that the student is obliged to take as obligatory courses will be considered. In the event that the resources allocated for the higher education institution to exchange of Mevlana Exchange Programme student is insufficient, students may utilize their own personal means or special scholarships may be granted provided that it is in accordance with other terms of the programme.

Terms and conditions for academic staff:

Within the scope of Mevlana Exchange Programme, travel allowance stated in the Travel Expense Law no.6245 may be paid to incoming and outgoing academic staff while travel allowance and additional course fees may be paid as stated in Travel Expense Law no.6245 and article 10 of the Law no.2547. CHE Executive Board is authorized to determine additional course fees due to the countries and titles.

For more information

You can access more information and documents from the Academic Exchange Programmes Unit of your institution, the official web page of, or The Council of Higher Education, Mevlana Exchange Programme Coordination Office.

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