Former Directors


Prof. Dr. Şermin PAKER KALAYCI          
U.U. Faculty of Medicine, Hystology and Emryology Department
(1983 - 29.11.1990)

Prof. Dr. Feridun GÖKIRMAK
U.U. Faculty of Medicine, Microbiology and Infectious Diseases Department
                  (29.11.1990 - 19.09.1991)


Prof. Dr. Ahmet ÇİMEN
U.U. Faculty of Medicine, Anatomy Department
(19.09.1991 - 05.11.1993)


Prof. Dr. İsmail H.ULUS
U.U. Faculty of Medicine, Pharmacology and Clinical Pharmacology Department
(05.11.1993 - 21.09.2000)


Prof. Dr. Recep TINAR
U.U. Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, Parasitology Department
(21.09.2000 - 21.09.2003)


Prof. Dr. Kasım ÖZLÜK
U.U. Faculty of Medicine, Physiology Department
(21.09.2003 - 19.09.2008)


Prof. Dr. Gürsel SÖNMEZ
U.U. Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, Pathology Department
(19.09.2008 - 26.09.2011) 


Prof. Dr. Metin PETEK
U.U. Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, Animal Science Department
(26.09.2011- 10.07.2015)



Prof. Dr. Ülgen GÜNAY
U.U. Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, Reproduction and Artificial Insemination Department
(10.07.2015 - 28.11.2016)

Prof. Dr. Ali AYDOĞDU
U.U. Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, Aquatic Animal Diseases Department
(18.10.2017 - 08.05.2019)

Prof. Dr. Gülşah ÇEÇENER
U.U. Faculty of Medicine, Medical Biology Department
(05.12.2016 -  18.10.2017)

(08.05.2019 -  .....................)


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