2023 Publications & Projects

Arpağ, B. and Oğuz-Duran, N. (16-17 April 2023). A Literature Review to Examine the Level of Intolerance to Uncertainty in Different Developmental Periods. 4th International Cappadocia Scientific Research Congress, Nevşehir.

Arpağ, B. and Oğuz-Duran, N. (2023). Examination of High School Students' Intolerance Levels of Uncertainty in Terms of Gender and Grade Level. 4th International Cappadocia Scientific Research Congress, Nevşehir.

Bekir, S and Eldeleklioğlu, J. (2023). School belongingness, peer relations, and insomnia as predictors of middle school students' problematic online gaming. Psychiatria i Psychologia Kliniczna, 23(2), 91-97. https://doi.org/10.15557/PiPK.2023.0012

Belen, H. (2023). A longitudinal examination of the association between fear of COVID-19, resilience, and mental health during the COVID-19 outbreak. Psychology Health & Medicine, 28 (1), 253-259

Camadan, F., Kaya, Ö.S., & Yazıcı, H. (2023). The role of forgiveness and self-esteem in the explanation of well-being. Uludağ University Faculty of Education Journal, 36(3), 1013-1036. https://doi.org/10.19171/uefad.1259144

Camadan, F., and Alpaydın, F. (2023). Examination of psychological counseling and guidance application and research centers in Turkey. Western Anatolian Journal of Educational Sciences, 14(2), 654-675. https://doi.org/10.51460/baebd.1276204

Duru H., and Gültekin, F. (2023). Parental support, perfectionism, and career development: A model test for middle school students. Career Development Quarterly,71(3),175-188.

Gür, H. and Duran, NO (2023). Digitalizing gratitude: a systematic review. In F. Kayalar (Ed.), Advanced and contemporary studies in educational sciences (pp. 31-50). Wall Publications, Izmir.

Gür, H. and Oğuz-Duran, N. (2023). Motivation regulation and mindfulness-based self-efficacy in university students: examination by gender and the role of mindfulness-based self-efficacy in motivation regulation. In academic research and compilations in the field of educational sciences. Platanus Kitap, Ankara.

Harman, E. and Oğuz-Duran, N. (2023). Adaptation of the Existential Meaninglessness Scale into Turkish: A preliminary study for university students. Uludağ University Faculty of Education Journal, 36 (3), 984-1012. https://doi.org/10.19171/uefad.1255425

Ogur E., Baştürk Ş., Gültekin F., & Şahin Ş. (2023). Views of foreign students learning Turkish on Turkish instructors. International Online Journal of Education and Teaching (IOJET), 10(3), 1916-1941.

Oğuz-Duran, N. and Demirbatır, RE (2023). Examination of Fear of Compassion in Fine Arts Education Department Students According to Program, Gender and Class Level, in "Advanced and Contemporary Studies in Educational Sciences". Wall publications.

Yıldız, M. (25-26 February 2023). Character Strengths of Turkish High School Students During the Pandemic Period. Presented at the 6th International Social Sciences and Innovation Congress, Ankara.

Yurtseven Yılmaz, H., and Yıldız, M. (2023). The Mediating Role of Locus of Control in the Relationship Between Attitudes Towards Reading and Digital Addiction in Teacher Candidates. E-International Journal of Educational Research, 14(5), 207–221. https://doi.org/10.19160/e-ijer.1347668

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