Frequently Asked Questions
1-I got into your university. How can I make my registration?

Candidates who have the right to register to our university with 2022-YKS can complete the registration process; They can do so at between the dates
 specified by ÖSYM. By entering this address with the E-Government password, they can complete the registration process from the 'University E-Registration' tab under the 
'Presidency of the Council of Higher Education' heading at the end of the page to be opened from the 'E-Services' tab. After registration, a document proving registration must be
obtained. Students who complete the registration process with this method do not need to come to our University or bring any documents regarding registration.

2-I cannot e-register. What can I do?

The registration process of candidates who cannot complete E-Registration via E-Government will be carried out at our University between the dates specified on our website.

3-I made e-registration. Do I need to come to your university and register?

If you have registered through e-Government and have printed out the document proving your registration, there is no need for students to come to our University for 
registration and bring any documents.

4-I forgot my Automation Password, My password is wrong etc. What should I do to enter the system in such cases?

You can reset your password by sending an e-mail to our faculty address or
5-How can I register for a course?

Course registrations will be made on our University's WEB page, between the dates specified in the academic calendar, using the passwords given to you through the 
automation system. Students are responsible for all course software and registration renewals and are responsible for carrying out these procedures themselves. Before
 the start of each semester, after paying the tuition debt, if any, within the periods specified in the academic calendar, the student selects the courses he/she will take 
during the semester via automation and confirms the selected courses and converts them into final registration. Announcements regarding the subject are made on our 
University's website throughout the process. For incomplete course registrations, contact You can send an e-mail to .

6-How to add and remove courses?

Except for the courses that the student has to take, the student can do the following during the add-drop week specified in the academic calendar:

a) He/she can take a course that he/she has not taken but was required to take,

b) A new course can be chosen to replace the closed course due to the minimum number of students required for the course to be opened. No permission is given to drop
out of a course for which you are definitely registered or to change courses. In order to avoid any inconvenience, students must complete all their coursework on the dates
specified in the calendar.

7-Can I have the courses I took while studying at another University count at your University?

Students who have previously studied in a higher education program, if they apply to our Faculty during course registration, can be exempt from the courses they have 
completed in their previous higher education institutions, with the approval of the relevant Department Exemption Commission and the approval of the Board of Directors. 
Click here for BUU Exemption and Adjustment Procedures Directive.
8- Is there a Minor and Double Major program in your faculty?

Our faculty offers Minor and Double Major Undergraduate Programs.

Double major program is a program that allows students who meet the necessary conditions to take courses simultaneously between the undergraduate diploma programs
and other undergraduate programs offered at the university within the framework of the relevant legislation and receive two separate diplomas.
A minor program is a program in which students who meet the necessary conditions take a limited number of courses simultaneously on a specific subject in another diploma
program at the University, within the framework of the relevant legislation. A minor program does not mean a separate diploma program and those who complete this program 
are given a minor certificate.
B.U.U. Double Major and Minor Undergraduate Programs. Click here for the Application Conditions within the scope of the Directive on the Principles of Transfer Between 
Associate and Undergraduate Programs, Minor and Double Majors.

9- If I want to take a break from education, how many semesters of leave can I take?

B.U.U. Click for Clause 2 of Article 19 of the Associate Degree and Undergraduate Education Regulation.

(Students enrolled in programs with a duration of study of up to 8 semesters may be given a leave of absence for a total of 2 semesters during their education. According to
this paragraph, the student who wishes to be considered on leave must apply in writing to the unit to which he/she is registered at least 10 business days before the course 
start date specified in the announced academic calendar.)
10-Will attendance be taken by faculty members in the courses given in the distance education system?

The courses given in distance education will be held according to the course schedule in the automation system; Attendance will be taken. B.U.U. Click for Article 18 of the 
Associate and Undergraduate Education Regulations.

11- What should I do if I am at the graduation stage and have enrolled in the maximum course load, but have only one course left even though I have taken all the 

Students who meet the conditions specified in the 8th Paragraph of Bursa Uludağ University Associate and Undergraduate Education Regulations (Students who enroll in the 
maximum course load they can take and who have only one course left to exceed the course load in order to graduate from the department or program, will increase their 
course load by one course, provided that they also enroll in this single course). According to the first sentence, in programs where annual education is offered, the course load 
can be increased by one more course, depending on the student's total ECTS credits at the beginning of the academic year being sufficient to take the remaining elective 
courses.) They must apply with a petition to receive approval from the Department Graduation Commission. The transactions of students approved by the commission are 
carried out by the automation unit. Click for the form.
12- I am at the graduation stage. Even though I have taken all my courses, I am missing ECTS. What should I do?

Associate and Undergraduate students subject to the 2014-2015 and later curriculum will graduate at the end of the 2020-2021 Academic Year Spring Semester (including 
summer school) if they meet the minimum ECTS load in their curriculum. However, ECTS changes in the course plans of some programs remain below the ECTS load 
determined according to the program duration. In order to prevent grievances, students are required to complete their ECTS load and take an ECTS completion course in 
order to graduate. “BEB4068 Orientation II” course will be opened for the students' missing ECTS credit value. The course in question taken as an ECTS completion course 
cannot replace an in-field or out-of-field course. A separate announcement will be made about the course program. For this reason, students who have reached the graduation 
stage must check their total ECTS credits and submit their applications along with the ECTS Completion Form on the dates specified on our University's website. The forms are
approved by the Graduation Commission and must be forwarded to the Central Automation Unit.

13-I am graduating from my department this semester, but I do not know if I have any missing courses or ECTS. What should I do?

You can examine your situation by comparing your transcript with the curriculum you are affiliated with, or find out from the Department Graduation Commission whether you 
have any missing courses or ECTS.
14-The courses I will register for do not appear in my automation? The remaining branches cause conflict. What should I do?

Since the quota for the courses is full, they will not appear in the automation. To increase the quota, you must contact or send an e-mail to the Department Curriculum coordinator.

15- At least how many elective courses need to be offered each semester? (2018 and later) What is the total number of elective courses I need to take?

In each academic year, at least 6 courses must be offered from each of the elective courses group Vocational Knowledge (MB), General Culture (GK) and Field Education (AE).

6 elective courses must be taken from Vocational Knowledge (MB) 6, General Culture (GK) 4 and Field Education (AE) courses. The student can take these courses whenever 
and wherever he/she wants.

In the Department of Special Education, 3 elective courses from Vocational Knowledge (MB) and 12 elective courses from Field Education (AE) must be taken. There is no General
Culture (GK) elective course. The student can take these courses whenever and wherever he/she wants.

16- What do YANO and GANO mean in academic success averages?

YANO: Semester academic grade point average,

GPA: Refers to the overall academic grade point average. The last success coefficient taken in repeated courses is used. When determining the GPA or GPA at the end of the 
registered semester/year, the courses not taken specified in the curriculum are not included in the average calculations.
17- What is ECTS?

(European Credit Transfer System) It is the value indicating how much study the relevant course requires, based on the total study time required to complete an academic year
full-time at any higher education institution.

18- How many ECTS courses can I take in total in a semester?

Semester ECTS credit load for students whose GPA is between 1.80-1.99 is 30 ECTS

For students whose GPA is between 2.00 and 2.99, the semester ECTS credit load is 40 ECTS. For students whose GPA is 3.00 and above, the semester ECTS credit load is
50 ECTS.

A student whose GPA is below 1.80 cannot take new courses. Students in this situation can re-register for courses from previous years in order to increase their grades, 
provided that they first start with the courses they failed and do not exceed the semester ECTS load.

19-Do I have to take Conditionally Pass (DD - DC) courses?

No, you do not have to retake conditionally passing courses if you do not want to.
However, if your GPA is not at least 2.00 when you reach the graduation stage, you must increase your GPA by taking one of these courses in order to graduate.

20-When are the exams held?

The dates of midterm, final, make-up and supplementary exams are stated in the academic calendar. Exam dates and times of the courses are determined by the relevant 
academic unit and announced on our Faculty website and Department websites.

21-What is the contribution of the Midterm Exam to the success grade?

Midterm exams, homework, seminars, laboratories and similar studies carried out during the semester/year are considered as mid-term work and their contribution to the 
letter grade is 40%. The contribution rate of other studies is determined by the instructor.
22-What is the contribution of the Final Exam to the success grade?

 The contribution of the final exam to the letter grade is 60%.

23-What is the minimum score required from the Final Exam?

It is mandatory to get at least 50 points out of 100 in the final exam. For students who do not take the final exam or who do not get at least 50 points from this exam, their 
midterm exam grades are not included in the evaluation and students in this situation are given a letter grade of FF.

24- I couldn't take the midterm exam due to my excuse, what should I do?

 A student who cannot take the midterm exam for a justified and valid reason; The petition and excuse document stating the course or courses in which he/she wants to 
take the make-up exam must be submitted to the relevant Department secretariat within five business days from the exam date at the latest.

25-Where can I learn the result of my excuse application?

Students whose excuses are accepted by the relevant unit's board of directors are given the right to take an excuse exam. Those who are not accepted are not given the 
right to take a make-up exam. The results are published on our Faculty's website. Make-up exams are held in the last week of the semester as stated in the academic calendar.
26-What are the conditions for taking the additional exam?

Our students who will request the right to take additional exams at the graduation stage must meet the following conditions:

Click here for BUU Associate and Undergraduate Education Regulations.

ARTICLE 31 – (1) Students who take all courses in the undergraduate or associate degree program, fulfill the attendance requirements and take the final semester/year 
exams are given the right to take additional exams under the following conditions:

a) The student who receives (FF) or (FD) grades from at most two courses included in the grade point average or (K) grades from not more than one non-credit course is given 
the right to take an additional exam until the beginning of the next semester/year.

b) Students who have not received (FF) or (FD) grades in the last two semesters, but cannot provide the required 2.00 GPA for graduation, are given credits in which they have
received (DD), (DC), (CC) grades to raise their GPA to 2.00. Additional exam rights are given for a maximum of two courses.

The additional examination rights specified in this article are granted to each student only once.

27-How much contribution do students who are among the 10% in Evening Education pay?

Excluding the preparatory class, evening education students who are successful in the minimum courses determined for each semester in their department and who are 
among the top ten percent (10%) in the ranking to be made at the end of the semester according to the success average of the students who took these courses, will be 
accepted to the program determined for the first education students in the next semester. The student pays tuition fees equal to the contribution fee.
28-I paid too much of my Tuition Fee by mistake. Can I get back the excess amount I paid?

The student who accidentally overpays the Tuition Fee will be refunded if he/she applies to the Student Affairs Office of our Faculty with a receipt (payment document) 
and a petition.

29-What are the graduation conditions?

A student with a GPA of at least 2.00 and at least 240 ECTS credits who fulfills the obligations of all courses required for the program is given the undergraduate diploma,
diploma supplement and transcript of the program in which he/she is registered.

30-Who should receive the diploma / provisional graduation certificate?

The student can take it himself or by the person who has been given a power of attorney from a notary. In case of losing the diploma, one must apply to the student affairs
office with a petition, a photocopy of the identity card, a lost notice published in a local or national newspaper, and a receipt.

31-How are military service procedures carried out?

Military service procedures are carried out through the Student Information System by the student affairs department of the academic unit where the students study.

32- I am a former graduate student of your faculty. My graduation information is not included in the Higher Education Information System (YÖKSİS). What should I do?

In order for our faculty's former graduate students to be included in the graduation information (YÖKSİS) system, they can fill out the YÖKSİS Request Form to and send it by fax or e-mail (PDF Format) or by applying in person to have their information added to the current system.
33- How is academic success grade point average calculated?

Students' success status is monitored with the GPA for the courses they have taken in the semester they have completed and the GPA calculated for all the courses
they have taken. GANO; It is obtained by multiplying the letter success grades and the corresponding success coefficients by the credits of that course and dividing 
the sum of the numbers by the total credits of the same courses.

34-Which grading system is used in your university?

A 4-point grading system is used at our university.

Where can I find out the equivalent of my GPA in the 

35-4 system in the 100 system?

In our university, the table of the Council of Higher Education is used for the equivalents of grades in the 4-point system in the 100-point system. Click for the table.

36-What should be done when there is a change or correction in personal information?

If there has been a change or correction in the name, surname or population identification information (Mother's name, Father's name, Date of Birth, Place of Birth,
Marital Status, etc.), the new identity card and a certified copy of the court decision, if any, are submitted to the student affairs office as an attachment to the petition.

37-How can I get course contents?

Course contents are available in the "Bologna Information System" section in the "Student" tab on our university's website. If the student who needs the course 
content prints it from the website and submits it, their approval is made by the relevant student affairs office.

38-What is Summer Education?

It is called summer education, which is held in the summer months between the second semester of the ongoing academic year and the new academic year, so that
 successful students can graduate in a shorter time and unsuccessful students can make up for their failures without wasting time. Click for B.U.U. Summer 
Education Regulations.
39- What is the duration of summer school?

It is at least five and at most seven weeks, excluding final exams.

40-Are all courses offered in summer school?

 No. The number of pre-registered students must be sufficient. If this number is insufficient, courses will not be opened. Depending on the number of students who
 pre-register for the courses, it is decided whether the course will be closed or not. In order for a course to be offered in summer school, the number of students 
registered must be at least 10.

41-If the course I want to take is not offered, can I take a course from another university?

You can take courses that cannot be offered during summer education at our university, from courses opened during summer education at other universities with the
same or more content, course hours and/or ECTS credit hours, with the permission and approval of the Department. The grades of students who leave without 
obtaining permission and course approval from the department are not recorded in the system.

42- What is course adaptation?

Changes made in the courses taught in the programs are defined as course adjustments. Course adaptation; Course name, course code, course semester changes, 
changing a course with another course, removing a course and adding a new course.

43- My Formation, which I received from your faculty, does not appear in e-government. What should I do?

In order for Pedagogical Formation graduate information to be processed into the YÖKSİS System, your YÖKSİS records for the undergraduate program you have
previously graduated from must be completed and viewable on e-government.

This process is carried out by the University where the undergraduate program is affiliated.

Pedagogical Formation Training Certificate Program is a certificate program; It appears only in YÖKSİS and MEBBİS.
Prepared by: Selma KOŞAR | Faculty of Education Student Affairs Chief

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