Fakültemiz 3. sınıf öğrencisi
 Fakültemiz 3. sınıf öğrencisi



Fakültemiz 3. sınıf öğrencilerinden 41600097 nolu Arzu KÖSE isimli öğrenci Anabilim Dalımızın önerisi ile American Heartworm Society tarafından (AHS) küresel projeye ülkemizi temsilen kabul edilmiştir.

Prof. Dr. Levent AYDIN

Anabilim Dalı Başkanı


Jennifer RIZZO Congratulations!

You have been selected to represent the American Heartworm Society as an AHS Student Liaison at your university! We hope you will find the program fun and enjoyable , and a great way to network, raise awareness , and build your resume.


Your responsibilities will begin primarily in the fall semester , but there are a few things you should do now:


As your first order of business, go to https//heartwormsociety  org/student-subscr iption to sign up to become a member of the AHS. Subscriptions are free .


Next, I attached a list of the outgoing student liaisons and incoming student liaisons. Check out both lists to see who you'll be working with! Reach out to your outgoing liaisons, because they have

goodies for you! They have banners, brochures, and other materials they'll need to pass along to you. If your CVM has never had a student liaison before, we wi ll send you a care package with all the materials you'll need!


Then, please take some time to visit our website , facebook page, and twitter , and familiarize yourself with everything we have to offer. There are resources both for veterinarians and the general public. Like our faceboo page and follow us on twitter (if you have both social media accounts). AHS posts daily, and you can share the posts to your own, school related pages.


If you have any questions at all , please don't hesitate to askl I'm looking forwa rd to working with each of you, and to seeing more students learn about A HS.


We'll be reaching out to each of you to order your j ackets and name tags later this summer , so watch out for that email.


Congratulations again, and have a great weekl


Jenni Rizzo, DVM

President I Lone Star Veterinary Academy

Executive Board Member I Amer ican Heartworm Society  1rizzodv m@gma il.com  I drrizzo@lo nestarvetacademy .com


Anasayfaya Dön Güncel Haberler Haber Arşiv

Haber Tarihi : [03-Haz-2020]

Haber Görüntüleme : [2.587]