10th IFPRS 3rd Invitation Letter

10. Uluslararası Lif ve Polimer Araştırmaları Sempozyumu

13-14 Mayıs 2022, İstanbul Teknik Üniversitesi-Gümüşsuyu-Taksim

10th International Fiber and Polymer Research Symposium 13-14 May 2022, Istanbul Technical University-Gumussuyu-Taksim-Turkey


3rd February 2022 Dear Academician and Researcher of Fibers and Polymers, 

                                                                                                                3rd Call for Papers                                                                                                         

 10th ULPAS, 13-14 May 2022 at Istanbul Technical University  

“Smart and Technical Textiles” 

We are deeply happy and proud to announce that the “10th International Fiber and Polymer Research Symposium” will be held on 13-14th May 2022 as HYBRID SYMPOSIUM with the hosting of Istanbul Technical University-Turkey. 

The purpose of the symposium is to bring the national as well as the international either public or private researchers in the fields of fibers and polymers together to discuss and share their scientific, technological and innovative outcomes. To this end, the topics ranging from novel polymers and fibers to characterization, by using natural extracts for the development of novel materials for medical, cosmetic and food applications, to photovoltaic items that produce electricity from sun light, to acoustics management by novel polymers have been discussed at our symposium series. With your contribution, this symposium will be a knowledge sharing, technology disseminating, brain storming event for the benefit of all us in these fields. 

The 10th ULPAS will be focused on Smart and Technical Textiles and will have the following topics as focus areas: 

The symposium will be organized as plenary and parallel sessions according to the topics of the presentations. We invite you to submit your FULL MANUSCRIPT prepared according to the Guidelines enclosed before the 15th February 2022 by sending it ulpas@itu.edu.tr. The abstract submitted will be screened and evaluated by the Symposium Scientific Committee and the accepted presentations will be announced and included in the Symposium Program.  

The leading researchers of the fiber and polymer research field have been invited to give KEYNOTE SPEECH at the symposium. We are more than glad that many scientists have already accepted to attend as KEYNOTE SPEAKER to  the 10.th ULPAS. The list of the KEYNOTE SPEAKERS is also enclosed.  

Papers submitted to the symposium, which have sufficient scientific content, will be published as a special issue of an internationally indexed (SCI-EXPANDED, TR-Dizin, Scopus) journal, TURKIS JOURNAL OF CHEMISTRY (Quartile Q3, Journal Impact Factor, 2020, 1.239). Those who wish to submit their papers to be evaluated for the publication at the Turkish Journal of Chemistry can submit their papers with the format given by the below link:  10. ULPAS-Turkish Journal of Chemistry Paper Template

For the first time 10. ULPAS will have the following additional features;

We are also glad to inform you that the enclosed list of companies have generously agreed to sponsor the 10th ULPAS. You are all welcome to give support to 10th ULPAS. 

We urge you to submit the results of your valuable research work at the scientific and industrial platform of the “10th International Fiber and Polymer Research Symposium”.

Hope to see you on-site and on-line on 13-14th of May 2022.

Yours sincerely,

On behalf of The Association of Fiber and Polymer Research Institute.


You can reach the Book of Proceeding s of the previous ULPAS by clicking the folllowing link; https://www.uludag.edu.tr/ulpas/konu/view?id=4869&title=bildiri-kitapciklari 




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