West University of Timisoara Summer School 2024

West University of Timisoara is organizing the 6th Edition of the West University of Timisoara Summer Schoola multi- and inter-disciplinary event aiming to offer Bachelor and Master students the opportunity to participate in a one week short-term study programmes scheduled to take place in Timisoara in June or July 2024.The event gives students the possibility to choose from a selection of five different courses.

- Introduction to digital sculpting, digital painting, concept art and game engines
- Digital Technologies for Language Research and Applications Summer School (DILARASS)
- Sport and Health at UVT
- Responsible and sustainable finance
- International Summer School in Social Anthropology: The polycentric city of the ECC2024 Timișoara (ISSSA2024)

Deadline for applications: March 20th 2024 

Participation fee: 80 EURO


Anasayfaya Dön Güncel Duyurular

İçerik Ekleme Tarihi : [25-Ara-2023 06:18]

İçerik Son Değişiklik Tarihi : [13-Mar-2024 08:20]

Duyuru Görüntüleme : [1.357]