Visit to the University of Innsbruck
 Visit to the University of Innsbruck

BUÜ Secondos Institutional Coordinator Prof. Dr. Anastasia Şenyıldız and Secondos program officer Damla Eldeleklioğlu Onuk conducted a productive visit to Innsbruck University, the program's partner and funder, from November 13 to 15, 2023. During a special meeting with International Relations Coordinator Mathias Schennach and program manager Maiko-Katrin Stürz, there was an intensive mutual exchange of ideas regarding the current functioning of the Secondos program.

One of the most important stages of the visit was a detailed examination of the comprehensive opportunities offered to students by Innsbruck University. Şenyıldız and Eldeleklioğlu Onuk gained insights into the support, resources, and opportunities provided to students by the university, acquiring new perspectives on integrating these advantages.

Another significant goal of the visit was to hold one-on-one meetings with students currently participating in the Secondos exchange program at Innsbruck University. These meetings provided an opportunity for students to evaluate their exchange experience and the impact of the program on them. The information obtained from these interactions provided valuable insights for the improvement of the program and enhancing the student experience.

The visit to Innsbruck University was a crucial step in strengthening the international connections of the Secondos program and supporting the vision of providing a richer experience for its students. These interactions have offered a valuable experience that will contribute to making future exchange programs more effective and student focused.


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