Event : TEKNOFEST Studies

Event Location : Prof. Dr. Mete Cengiz Cultural Center

Event Start Date : 21-05-2024

Event End Date : 23-05-2024

Event Start Time : 09:30

Event End Time : 18:00

Event Details :

As UYBIST, we participated in the 2-day project exhibition organized by Bursa Uludağ University Teknofest Community at Mete Cengiz Cultural Center with a team of 19 members (5 projects). In this exhibition where we represented Management Information Systems and İnegöl Business Faculty, our Rector Mr. We had the opportunity to present our projects to Ferudun Yılmaz, Board Members, Senior Managers, Academicians and Students from various companies.

Our projects and their aims are briefly as follows;
IHAWK: Post-disaster artificial intelligence-supported sectoring process with image processing and decision support system.

Analysis and Classification of Mammography Images with Computer Vision: A prediction model in the BI-RADS category that detects masses and calcifications in mammography images using artificial intelligence and image processing models and then uses entity name extraction.

Intercity Wish, Suggestion, Complaint Application: It is a versatile web platform that aims to establish a communication bridge between Citizens and Municipalities.

SecureLift: It is an artificial intelligence-supported system that detects possible malfunctions in elevators and sends instant notifications in order to increase the safety of students living in dormitories. Using sensors and artificial intelligence algorithms, the operating status of the elevators is monitored and malfunctions are predicted to ensure safety.

MindAI: Our mobile application that we developed to provide people with personal development and a completely unique experience in school life. At the same time, it provides psychological support while monitoring the process.

Community President Avni Berka Daloğlu: Our esteemed Dean Orhan Bozkurt, our teacher and Advisor Res. Grv. We would like to thank our teacher Eda Sönmez and Assoc. Prof. who was with us and supported us during the exhibition days. Dr. Fatih Gürses and Assoc. Dr. I would like to thank our teachers Melih Engin very much. I wish my team a very successful future.


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Event Date : [21-May-2024]

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